AugustusGloop gave me a chance to do something I’ve never thought of doing: taking photos of my cookbooks :) Yep, she tagged me for this Five Favorite Cookbooks Meme.
Unfortunately my cookbook collection is miserably slim, to tell you the truth. I’m no gourmet, no chef, --- I’m just an obachan who cooks/bakes to feed myself every day because no one else does it for me. “On sale” is my favorite word and I largely depend on the internet or browsing magazines at bookstores lately to get recipes and ideas because it’s CHEAPER that way. Therefore, I have nothing impressive and I’m almost embarrassed.
But I also thought that it wouldn’t hurt to give this a try just to re-discover what I have --- just for my personal fun. So, here’s what I have. I don’t know if this is interesting to anyone, but I had fun doint this, after all.
Read More 1. Total Number of Cookbooks I’ve owned: Less than 10 ? maybe.
2. Last Cookbook I bought:
Dessert Cellection-7- Kantan Scones (Easy Scones) by Daiso (In Japanese) A thin, pamphlet-like book you can buy for 100-yen at the ever-famous Daiso 100-yen shop. I wanted the herb scones recipe in this book.
3. Last foodbook I read: Men’ekiryoku wo Ageru Shoku no Hon (Foods that Enhance Your Immunity???) by Orange Page
4. Five Cookbooks that mean a lot to me: I don't know if I can say "a lot" but yes, these are my favorites with some special memories.
The Basics of Cooking Series (in Japanese) that my mom had. Especially the vol. “Desserts and Breads” was like my dream book. Watching the pics of foreign desserts and imagining how they’d taste like was my favorite pastime in childhood.
The Garnish (Kazari Giri) by Mac (In Japanese) Actually I didn’t buy this book. I stole it from my mom’s bookshelf. This must have been a giveaway instruction book that came with a kitchen knife set. Good book with tons of instructions for cutting vegs/fruits into beautiful shapes.
Itsudemo Muffin - Muffins & Quick Breads – by Asa Shiokawa, Bunka Shuppan sha. (In Japanese) Very dependable book. I owe this one a lot.
Women’s Circle – For Cooks on the Go – P.S.I. & Assocites, Inc. I bought this at a garage sale or something in Miss. and brought back to Japan more than 10 years ago. This not only makes me feel nostalgic, but does have good quick recipes, I think… BTW, I was not the only one who did this much damage to this magazine. Sending it with bunch of hardcover textbooks by M-bag surface rate was probably a cruel thing to do :P
The Chicken Cookbook -37th National Chicken Cooking Contest Winning Recipes - National Broiler Council :D :D :D Another book I brought back from the U.S. This contest was held in Jackson, Mississippi, according to this book. Many of the recipes are so unique that I can hardly imagine what they would taste like. They really tickle my curiosity :)
5. Which 5 people would you most like to see fill this out in their blog? Well, looks like many of my blog friends are already tagged, so I'm going to tag only 2 people instead of 5. Hope this is OK. Rae of Bunnyfoot, and Winslow of Seven Kinds of Soy Sauce Hope they don't mind my tagging them.
Thanks for filling this out Obachan. You have some interesting cookbooks that you note. That garnish one looks particularly fascinating. Japanese definitely know how to garnish!
PS. I should probably break it to you, but AG is a she! I have strong identification with The Charlie & The Chocolate Factory character's greed (and love of chocolate of course!).
Posted by AugustusGloop
AHHHHHHH!! SO Sorry!! I fixed it in the post. I don't know why but I just had a wrong idea... Maybe because the pic of the boy in the right column of your blog gave me a strong impression.
I think Chinese people do great work cutting fruits/vegetables into amazingly beautiful shapes.
Posted by obachan
O I would love to have the first two books unfortunately they are in Japanese. They look so beautiful
Posted by keona
Hi Obachan,
Thank you for sharing this. I have a few Japanese language cookbooks that I have used once or twice. I don't use them more often because I can't really read all of the words -- I'm especially bad at reading kanji characters. I think I need to go back to Japanese language school.
Posted by Reid
Hi obachan!
Thanks for the tag, this is the kind of meme I can really get into because I love books. I don't have a digital camera, though, so adding pictures of the cookbooks may be a challenge. At least I can write about them.
I'm glad to see your Japanese-language cookbooks listed here; I really should start studying the language again (I took a little bit in college and still have my old textbooks).
Posted by Winslow
> keona --- The photos in “The Garnish” are so beautiful. Hope I can try some of the easy ones someday and post about them…
> Reid --- Well, your Japanese must be better than my English :) BTW are your Japanese language cookbooks the ones that you have to flip pages the other way around – I mean, the opposite way as you do with your books written in English?
> Winslow --- Hi!! I’m glad that you didn’t mind my tagging you :D I guess the photos of the books were not necessarily required for the meme, but I’m sure your meme will be wonderful with or without photos.
Glad to hear that you took Japanese language classes in college. I studied just a little bit of Chinese when in college, but unfortunately I forgot most of them… ;P
Posted by obachan
Actually I have the third one and it's really nice I have made some of there but in a time I stop because it ask for weird stuff.
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