プレゼント、本当に本当にありがとうございました!(^^) My last day at the language school is coming closer, and I've been saying goodbye to the students who I'm not going to see again. That is not something I truly enjoy, but it has its sweetness, too. Most of them kindly thanked me for my humble contribution there. Some of them looked shocked and said they would really miss me. And, though I didn't expect this at all, a couple of them even gave me farewell presents! I love this orange-colored bouquet so much. The girl who gave it to me said, "I don't know why but I just thought orange was your color," which made me feel so happy, because orange IS my color. And this chocolate cake! It's so rich and smooth but not too sweet or too heavy -- one of the best I've ever tasted. Oh, you noticed the scotch tape on the package? Yeah, I ate one piece before taking this shot and sealed the package with the tape. ;) --------- These are the presents I got on my last day there. ************** Thank you. ************* Categories: Miscellaneous |
Saturday, March 28, 2009
"Sad and Sweet" Farewell
Posted by
3/28/2009 12:57:00 PM
Labels: Special occasions
Inexpensive Fun
I don't know about other areas in Japan, but around here the price of strawberries is relatively low now. Or maybe the price itself is not very different but I see so many packs of strawberries on a wagon that says "for fruit juice." Yeah, those are overripe ones, almost rotten. Maybe berries are plentiful this year? Even my blueberry plant seems to have more flowers this spring. And at my favorite supermarket, they seem to have apples on sale more often this month than last month. (But why now? It's not apple season, right??) Well, I don't mind whatever the reason is. I just appreciate the fact that they are less expensive now, and have been making jam and preserves diligently these days. The above photo is showing only half of what I have made. I even make labels myself. It's so much fun and it doesn't cost much because I downloaded a free software and bought cheap sticker paper at Daiso 100 yen shop. Honestly, I think I'm better at making jar labels than making jam/preserves. To decide the amount of sugar to use, I usually start with "30% of the weight of the fruit" and adjust it according to how sweet the fruit itself is. And I add lemon juice little by little until I feel it was enough. But for some reason, the jam that tasted perfect when hot often does not taste very good when I use it after a few weeks... My tongue is not very trustworthy, I guess. BTW, I switched from white sugar to beet sugar after the Meniere's syndrome diagnosis. Although sugar was not what was causing the problem, I was told that I needed to improve blood circulation, so I felt like using healthier sugar (polysaccharide). But beet sugar really makes jam brown, doesn't it? I wonder if I could find beet granulated sugar somewhere ... ;) Categories: Sweets |
Posted by
3/28/2009 01:15:00 AM
Labels: Jam/Marmalade
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
One Year Wiser... Hopefully
Posted by
3/25/2009 02:22:00 PM
Labels: Cakes, Special occasions
Sunday, March 22, 2009
On A Gorgeous Sunny Day
It was such a gorgeous day yesterday! The day before yesterday (Mar. 20th) was my last day at the daytime job. No more waking up at 5 am to rush to work. Yay! So yesterday, I was almost going for a bento lunch under cherry blossoms as a celebration. But after taking a few photos in the nearby park, I finally decided against it, because only a few trees were blooming there and the ground underneath them was really muddy. (The photos are posted on another blog of mine.) Instead, I chose to have more aggressive(?) fun in the kitchen, kneading and beating bread dough. ;) Maybe next week I'll thaw the frozen slices and make a sandwich with them to eat under the cherry blossoms -- if the weather permits. BTW, in order to improve my bread and also to use for another purpose, I ordered some packages of "malt flour." I'll use it next time I bake bread and let you know the result. ;) |
Posted by
3/22/2009 03:34:00 PM
Labels: Bread/Pancakes
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Simple and Tasty
Another recipe from a Japanese recipe site. It really appealed to my curiosity because the combination of the seasoning ingredients looked strange and too simple to me but so many reviews there were almost worshipping it. Yes, it's just honey, soy sauce and raa-yu (hot sesame oil or chili oil) that are used to season this salad. All you need to do is to heat drained canned tuna with those three ingredients in microwave for one minute and mix in blanched and chopped cabbage. (Actually in the original recipe chili oil is added after the tuna mixture came out of microwave.) How does that sound? And they say, "You could eat half a cabbage at one time all by yourself." Well, let me tell you. They didn't lie. I didn't use half a cabbage but I did use a quater of it and ate it all at one time. The hot sesame oil (or chili oil) is the key. And honey. Using sugar would not be the same, I guess. Gee. I wonder how the recipe author came up with this idea. Some people ARE creative, aren't they? Categories: Japanese |
Posted by
3/17/2009 02:12:00 PM
Labels: Vegetables
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Things I Wish I Knew Earlier
Going through my previous posts, it was 2003 when I first heard (read) about trans fat. Since then I had been looking for trans-fat free vegetable oil products, especially margarine, because that's what I wanted to have on my breakfast toast almost every day, and substitute butter with when baking. Unfortunately, unlike many Western countries, both Japanese government and food industry have been rather reluctant to look into this issue, and I had been jealous of those who can buy Smart Balance or Earth Balance anytime at nearby supermarkets. It was early 2006 when I bought imported trans-fat free shortening online for the first time and tried it out for baking. It worked fine for biscuits but not when I substituted the butter in a cookie recipe with it. (BTW now they cannot sell this product in Japan.) As for trans-fat free margarine, the one I could find was this thing called "Burgarine" which cost JPY 600 for 250 g! Too expensive. Luckily (?) most reviews rated its taste negatively and I didn't feel the urge to get one. But the other day, at an organic food shop here in Kochi, not too far from my place, I found a margarine that contains less than 0.5 g trans fat per 100 g of the product, tastes good, can be used as a butter substitute AND does not cost a fortune! But now I can buy this locally. No shipping fee necessary. So nothing stops me anymore. :D Now, the price-- It costs JPY 330 for 180 g. Yeah, still expensive, but much better than Burgarine. Oh, something like this really makes me happy! Also, last night I worked on my laptop to try out some tips I found on Japanese websites to make Windows XP run faster. They are similar to what's written here. Now my display is in "Windows classic" style and I don't see Windows logo when the PC is starting up, but boy, it's faster! It made my life so much easier. Why didn't I do this earlier? But it's definitely better than not knowing about it at all so let's not complain. Things are looking up, maybe? ;) P.S. To make the whole wheat biscuits in the photo, I used this recipe and replaced some of the a.p. flour with whole wheat flour and used butter instead of shortening. Categories: Miscellaneous |
Posted by
3/15/2009 04:18:00 PM
Labels: Biscuits/Scones
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Tasting The Bitterness Of Life...
One of the students of the language school I work for gave me a few hassaku oranges the other day. Now, I hate to say this but I'm not too crazy about hassaku. It's not easy to peel it like tangerine, and the white part can be quite bitter. Unless the fruit is very ripe and sweet, the bitterness from the pulp can really ruin the overall taste, and I often get disappointed. How naive of me. I spent so much time doing this: The result was... I didn't get it. The rind didn't taste bitter very much when I tasted it before cooking. But for some reason, the marmalade turned out VERY bitter. Now how can you save bitter marmalade? I know something fatty can make bitterness milder, but I don't want any fatty stuff in my marmalade. Maybe more sugar and ... alcohol? Because in my hometown we use distilled spirit to remove astringent taste from persimmons... Finally I ended up cooking the marmalade again with more sugar and generous amount of leftover Myers's Rum. You know what? It helped!! The rum really added pleasant flavor and the bitterness became tolerable. But still it takes some courage to eat this hassaku marmalade on toasted bread or with yogurt. And I even tried combining it with something fatty, i.e. butter. I baked some into buttery pound cake. - Sigh - So what did I learn from this experience? Often hard work does not get rewarded? That's Life? Or it is always sugar and booze that reduces the bitterness of life? :P Categories: Sweets |
Posted by
3/10/2009 10:48:00 PM
Labels: Jam/Marmalade
Sunday, March 08, 2009
Garden Report - March 2009 -
I didn't know what mizuna flowers look like, because my mizuna didn't survive the winter last year. I wonder if these leaves are too strong or too bitter to eat now... I don't know if this rosemary is dying or recovering. During winter, almost all leaves looked brown, except the bottom part of each leaf. Now I think I see more green leaves than I did in winter, so maybe it's recovering...??? It's already March. Gosh... Feels like it was only yesterday that I posted about my New Year's Day feast. It's really nice to see my little plants and feel the breath of spring, because I'm not feeling very well recently. About a week ago, I started hearing my heartbeat pretty loudly in my left ear -- not all the time, but when I was sitting quietly or lying in bed. It was as if my heart moved up to my left ear and was pounding right there. (Well, I'm exaggerating. A little.) Then it got worse every day. Yeah, it was kind of nice to be re-confirmed that my heart was diligently working, but it didn't have to be THAT often, and THAT noisy. LOL Finally one day when I was washing dishes in my kitchen, I felt as if my left ear was totally stuffed up, with terrible buzz in the ear, and I felt a little dizzy. So the next day I went to see the doctor, and there I was diagnosed with mild Meniere's syndrome. So I guess it was the right choice, after all, to quit my current jobs and move to a country to live a "slow" life. Maybe something told me to make a change even before my body gave me this warning sign. It was good that I made the decision earlier, because now I only have a few more weeks left to work and my successor is already picked and started receiving training. I think I'm lucky, after all. ;) Categories: Garden |
Posted by
3/08/2009 01:39:00 PM
Friday, March 06, 2009
New Owner Has Been Chosen!
Posted by
3/06/2009 10:29:00 PM