Thursday, April 30, 2009

This Is The Last Post On This Blog

The Last Look at Obachan's Kitchen
(I took this shot with my cell phone camera
right before I left my apartment for good.)

Dear Readers,

I arrived at my parents' house safely this afternoon. There's a lot to tell you about the move and how I'm feeling here now, but I'm dead tired. For now, I just want to tell you that I made it alive and I still have access to the Internet.

So, I'll see you soon when I start blogging on another blog. Keep your eyes on this post and I will link to my new blog soon. Very soon... because I'm going to need a lot of support from you to face my new challenges. Honestly, I'm so confused and almost scared when I think about adjusting here.

But anyway, thank you very much for your support. I really enjoyed sharing my life with you all.

See you soon. Good night! :)

Hey! Thanks for waiting.
Finally my new blog is ready. Go check out:

See you there! :D


katherine said...

Good luck obachan! I'm sure everything will work out beautifully, I know i am really looking forward to reading your blog about life in the country :)

Anonymous said...

I have been reading your blog for some time and thoroughly enjoy reading about life (and food) in Japan from your perspective.

I just thought this might be a good time to let you know that. I look forward to your new blog.

Good luck in your new setting.

Alan from Makiki (Hawaii)

Başak said...

Good luck with everything!

tiptup said...

Hello Obachan,

I'm sure everything will be fine. Good luck with the adjustment. Looking forward to your new blog!

mina said...

Hope it's not too long before we hear from you again!

kiria said...

Ganbatte ne Obachan!!
U__U I can't wait for your new blog!!! Because I loved this one a lot!!
Until that day, take care and good luck!! Everything will be just fine!! Sometimes changes are difficult but just at the beggining!
See you soon~!

Kiria from Valencia (Spain)

Anonymous said...

dear Obachan, take it easy .One thing at a time. The world wont fall apart if u er.
For me now taking a new job at my age of late forties, coupled up at this recession period I cant help counting my blessing.Got a job working along with (who cares what the world is facing,I just wannna have fun)children, makes me happy,even with getting paid a fraction of my previous earning.
Life is not always fair but It rewards you well in other unexpected ways.
The truth is that as much as you plan n dream n move forward in ur life, remember you are acting in conjunction with the flow and energy of the universe.Move in the direction of your goal with all the force and verve you can muster- then let go.Let your dream unfold as its own masterpiece.Take time to sit back relax and enjoy.As much as we plan our life acutely, God has a better plan for us.

Each time I m amazed at the work you have done-your picture,your cooking(makes me drool) your posting.SPLENDID! You really accomplished good life.
Great happenings coming your way dear girl.BRING IT ON!
I waiting to discover it.Dont take too long:)

Best of regards from malaysiaelayne


tina said...

Obachan, ganbatte ne! Take your time to adjust and things will fall in place. In the meantime, karada o kiotsukette ne! And looking forward to your new blog

Donna said...

Good luck to you, looking forward to the new blog!

Amelia said...


Rosa's Yummy Yums said...

All the best! I'm looking forwards to reading your new posts...



Glove Slap said...

Good luck!!! I look forward to your new blog, but I will miss this one so much!

Gustad said...

Obachan! Not sure if you remember me, we used to comment on eachothers blogs ages ago. well, i've still be reading your blog all the time! btw, my blog is back too.

good luck with the new transition! looking forward to seeing your new blog

donna said...

I love reading your blog. Thank you for showing us life in Japan. I can't wait to read how life is in the country. It will be comforting for you parents to have you home with them. Take care, take time to regroup and enjoy your new-old surroundings! Good luck.

Anna said...

Dear Obachan:

It seems it's time to say you I've been reading your blog for a year,(and never posted >_<) and I've really enjoyed your stories and recipes. I'll miss this place!
I'm looking forward your new blog.
Good luck and best wishes from Spain!! ^__^


mariko said...

Obachan! I didn't even know you were moving! Bikkuri deshita! I was just in Japan. My aunt lives in inaka, and it is very peaceful. I'm sure your parents will be very happy to have you at home. I look forward to reading your new blog.

froy said...

Good luck with your move and settling into a new life. I'm sure the peace of the country and the beauty of nature will help you find the calm you need. I shall look forward to following your new blog, and perhaps country life will bring new vitality to your watercolour endeavours as well.
All the best.

Carlyn said...

I imagine it must be a bit scary to be uprooting yourself and starting a new life, but, what a way to do it!!!! A quiet, back to basics, country life is certainly the way to go!!! I am so envious!!! You will soon find yourself settling into a calmer state of mind,,,,I'm sure. How I wish I could have that life!!!!

tofugirl said...

Obachan, good luck! Like everyone else, I can't wait to read about your new life and your new adventures. Please take care, and hope we hear from you soon :)

Su-Lin said...

Good luck with the big changes and looking forward to the new blog!

Catherine said...

Obachan--I look forward to reading your new blog, whenever you are up to posting again! You seem to get such enjoyment from life even when things are difficult and I hope you will settle into your new life and find it interesting and rewarding. Best of luck!

Anonymous said...

Good luck! You don't know me, but I sometimes visited here and enjoyed the beautiful photos. Although I don't like cooking.
Please take it easy and I really look forward to seeing you.
Thank you!

私はこのブログの隠れファンでした。 料理は好きではないけれど、写真がどれも素敵でした。
人生ってほんとにいろいろありますね。 私もおばちゃん、といっても50代ですからおばちゃんよりずっと年上です。 


Nicole said...

Best of luck Obachan. I was just thinking about new beginnings this evening and the amazing feeling of terror combined with all that hope and expectations. And now here is your new beginning, just waiting for you.

I have had three such new beginnings in my life, going to college, moving to England for a new job, and moving to upstate New York for a new job. It is always terrifying but at the same time it is a wonderful opportunity to get to know more about your self and meet new people.

I look forward to your new blog.

Anonymous said...

All readers have already said the words what I wanted to say. I`m also realy looking forward to reading your blog about your life, recipe and small adventure. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Good luck obachan. Please continue blogging. Your pictures are beautiful, as well as, your well written stories.

Aloha from Hawaii,

Anonymous said...

Good luck Obachan! I look forward to reading of your new adventures. Change can be a little scary but also very good. Take care.


RONW said...

ditto with all above.

Darqrat said...

Good Luck! :)

ghanima said...

All the best, obachan! Thanks for years of inspiration and humour. I look forward to hearing where I can go to read your further adventures.

Anonymous said...

hi i've been an avid of your blog for several years but this is the first time i've commented I look forward to reading your new blog and good luck :) I wish you all the best

Anonymous said...

hiya obachan :) ... goodie luck~~~ im sure all will b well :) ... am really lookin forward to readin ur new blog :)

Tindy said...

Oh, good luck obachan!


RK said...

Obachan, good luck with everything. Looking forward to your new blog!

Andrea said...

Good luck! I hope you adjust quickly to the new things that come your way! I'm sure you'll do just fine, so be brave :)

I look forward to reading new things from you soon.

Best wishes from Mexico City!

daryl said...

hi obachan! (:

glad to hear you made it safely (: i'm sure you'll adjust fine!

can't wait for your new blog!
all the best!!

p.s thanks for your advice about japan, i had a really lovely time there!! (:

Anonymous said...

Everyone has already said all the good things I wanted to say ... ah well.

After reading your blog for many years, admiring your photos (even tried a couple of things - and I normally don't cook), I'm looking forward to learning about life in the Japanese countryside. I'm sure your parents are thrilled to have you come home.

Be well, rest awhile, and don't forget about us ... we're all awaiting the birth of the new blog.

God bless, Christine in Los Angeles

cell said...

i'll definitely look u up at your new blog! hope you'll settle in well and adapt nicely to your new home. i'm sure you'll miss your old place but well, nothing in life lasts forever. just gotta enjoy everything to the fullest in each stage of life... take care!

minttea said...

Dear obachan,
I think you are so brave to be going for such a big change in your life! Good luck in your move and I'm looking forward to being further inspired by your new blog as I still am with "kitchen and balcony garden."


Korean Dramas said...

Hi Obachan,
As a long term reader of your blog, I always thought you write very well and have a unique voice that's very attractive. I came across a food essay contest that you might be interested in entering. Check it out if you have time! ^^

Great Stone Face said...

Best of luck! I have always looked forward to your posts. I continue to look forward to your new blog.

sakiblu said...

Hello Obachan..
Many Blessings on your move!!!!
May you find peace and strength to deal with all the new challenges.
Spring is a good time for change..Many regards to your parents, and I await to hear about all your garden and cooking adventures!!!!
Warmest Regards!!!!!

eliza bennet said...

Obachan thank you for this wonderful blog and I'm looking forward to reading your new blog.


Anonymous said...

Good luck Obachan!! I've been reading your blog for a long time and look forward to reading your new one. Thank you for taking the time and the energy to make your postings such a great read. They make me smile (and drool most of the time ^^). Gambatte!
Much love from Canada,

Charlotte-Ann Photography said...

Ah, I am so late in responding! In a way it's sad to see this blog end, but I understand why you did it. I'm looking forward to hearing about all your new adventures on your new blog. I wish you the best of luck in this new path of life. :D

cherrybombpie said...

Hey Obachan!

Please continue your lovely posts in your new blog. We'll miss you for now

Your photography of foods make my mouth water all the time. :)


Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing with us, Obachan! I'm heading to your new blog!! All the best :)

Gabriel said...

Obachan, I hope you are still doing well~~ I like to visit your blog and get inspiration for cooking~ Hope you can get your new blog up soon~

Koekkener said...

What a very beautiful blog. That's why it has a more comment and a lot of more i think like your article. Thank you for sharing.

Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....

Iraqi Dinar said...

Waiting for your new blog.

letterman said...

This has been a great resource..

BlogFront said...

Hi Obachan, is committed to uphold the quality standards of blogging. We strive to maintain and promote only the most credible blogs in their respective fields.

Spam blogs or "splogs" has been a problem for some time now and people are getting confused about which blog to trust.

We would like to thank you for maintaining such a reputable blog. We know that it takes time, effort and commitment to keep such a blog and as such, we have added your blog as one of the top Asian Food blogs.

You can see your blog listed here:

You can also claim your BlogFront Top Blogs badge at

Thank you for keeping your blog credible. Let's keep the blog revolution alive!

Maria Blanchard
Blog Revolucion

Soya Sauce said...

good luck for new blog!!!!