Thursday, September 22, 2005
Is Marriage Life As Sweet As This??
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9/22/2005 11:04:00 PM
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Posted by
9/22/2005 11:04:00 PM
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I don’t know what to say but I never have “carrot halwa” before so I would say Marriage life is sweeter but along the way just like these dessert you spice it up to satisfy your taste as well as marriage life! Sounds very interesting dessert huh!
I really love your blog. I was married once, but I didn't like it. Husbands can be like children, although at least children leave home
Carrot halva is a delicious dessert. My students loved it, when I thought Asian Cuisine at the Culinary Academy.
Spicing up marriage life! That must be important. I’m convinced. I’ll keep that in mind just in case I get married someday in the future ;) Thanks for the insight.
Thank you! Mmmm…sounds like your marriage was like a little bitter halwa. Hope you are happy now with the choice you made.
Oh, nice to see you here :D Yeah, this is delicious, and easy to make, too (except that grating carrots was a little pain in the neck).
Marriage like carrot halwa. Hmmm It can be sweet or sour depending on the ingredients and spiciness that each person puts into the bowl. I find that in my marriage it is much sweeter, and spice here and there helps it along. Not to mention the fact of sharing the carrot halwa is a good thing too. LOL I have to agree with Xtine you make it to satisfy your taste but also you have to consider the other person too.
DH loves carrot halwa smothered with Indian rice pudding.
Hi milgwimper,
It’s interesting that I keep hearing the importance of “spice,” and I like it. Consideration for the other person must be important, too. I can only imagine about marriage life, but thinking about it and actually being in one must be really different. Thanks for sharing your wisdom :) Carrot halwa with Indian rice pudding sounds like something really rich and gooey...is it?
Hi glutton rabbit,
I found some halwa recipes on the net that included the process of pressing it down in a shallow dish and chilling in the fridge overnight to be cut into squares. So I guess that’s what you had at the restaurant. I wonder if marriage life sometimes needs to be compressed and chilled...;P
BTW, do you mind if I ask you why you call me bachan?
Hey.. Obachan,
I've never tried carrot halwa before.. but marriage life is a partnership.. and needs ALOT of work..! not only that.. it needs to compliment each other.. and at times.. it may be good to eat it cool.. and at times.. good to eat it warm.. :)
Marriage is hard work.. that's all i can say.. hahha!!
big bok
Mmmm...I'm so delighted to have so much input about the wisdom of life. I feel I'm well prepared to get married. The only thing missing is a husband...
glutton rabbit
No, I don't mind. Bachan is OK with me, as long as you don't make the 1st vowel long ("Baachan" means "gramma").
The carrot halwa we tried was pressed into a cake form, and wasn't that overly sweet, but with the thick rice pudding it does get sticky, but it is really good. BigBok is right marriage is a lot of work and complimenting each other everyday even for the smallest things helps. it is a partnership and you have to build each other up and remind each person how special they are to you.
Says that friendship is a big thing in a marriage besides love. Marriage is a give and take, be willing to give even when you don't feel like giving, don't be afraid totake when you need to because there are times when it cannot be avoided. Also communication is another thing that has to stay open at all times.
glutton rabbit
No prob. ;)
Partnership. Friendship. Yeah, those must be important. I really appreciate the input from you guys. It’s interesting…I just made carrot halwa one afternoon, and it grew into a good learning opportunity for me. Boy I love blogging ;)
Look at this
Well, I hope it works. The nymphs portrayed with the satyr say to me that there is reason to try marriage, and I have logged a little over fifty years in harness one way or another. I taught my girls to not be passive about scooping up a man, and they have fared well, although ot without the usual accidents. And I rewarding grandchildren, and even one great.
Find a man, good lady. G.
I think my ex-husband and I were two wrong ingredients trying to work together. And thanks for your kind thoughts, I am much happier being a single ingredient!
I would like to share one of my favorite thoughts it says that “The best way to predict your future is to create it.” Just like cooking, as we become more creative and ambitious to be a good cook or chef, we realize that we have a very unique style, talent and passion for cooking just like what I’ve said to Obachan “spice it up.” To some who are marriage and fail for the 1st and 2nd time, you’ve done your part and life will be sweeter if you give yourself a chance but to be considerate with others as well.
Obachan, your food is bold and goes along with prospective of life, not to mention “Marriage.” Halwa, what indeed a great name and food to be remember!
Thanks for the link. I managed to see the site and the picture. Yeah, I see where you’re coming from, but I guess I need to let it take as long as it takes.
I’m happy for you. My belief is that each person is entitled to be happy in his or her own way, and it doesn’t have to be the same as someone else, or the majority, or “people in general.”
I like the way you relate cooking to life. It's such an interesting analogy. I’ll try to remember to give myself a chance and be considerate with others. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts.
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