Weekday Dough Blogging #1
Another fun experiment I started today. Guess what’s in this jar…

It’s sourdough starter. This is how it looks on Day 1.
I first read about sourdough bread in "Little House on the Prairie" (or one of its series) long time ago. It sounded interesting, but I never thought that I could make it here in Japan. Then I read in Rachel’s site about her sourdough starter, and thought “Gee! If that’s something we can make at home in Japan, I gotta give it a try someday.”
Actually I like this kind of project --- keeping (growing?) something in the fridge, feeding it once in a while. I was one of those who jumped on the "Caspian Sea yogurt" bandwagon, though I didn’t continue making it for more than a few months. I got lazy, as you can imagine. Because yogurt is something you eat without heating (usually, not always), I thought I had to be careful about sterilization. Soon I started doubting if the yogurt was so exceptionally nutritious that’s worth all those troubles, and finally quit making it.
But sourdough starter is another story; it is not meant to be eaten raw. It sounds like a lot easier thing to take care of. And unlike the Caspian Sea yogurt, I might really love the taste of sourdough bread. But I didn’t try making the starter right after I read Rachel’s posts, because this summer there was absolutely no space in my fridge to keep the starter in a jar all the time.
Well, as the result of the heavy duty clean-up I did the other day, now my fridge has space for that. I’m READY.
Maybe I should give this starter a name…something other than “doughboy.”
Did you know that there's also "The Little House Cookbook"?
I found a second-hand copy and have really enjoyed reading the recipes :-)
Hi paola,
Yep! I saw the Japanese version of the book in the local library just the other day. The book looks like this. (Scroll down a bit.) The illustration on the front cover is different from the original book, but the illustrator is the same.
that is so funny 'cause i started a sourdough starter about two weeks ago. i've tried it twice before with no satisfaction (putrefication and pipe clogging) but this batch is sour and smells yeasty. i'm gonna try to bake with it in the next week or so...fingers crossed! if he passes the test i'll name it...
Wow, I know you will have a success, because your sourdough starter was started in San Francisco, the mecca of sourdough starter, right? Nevertheless, I’ll keep my fingers crossed for ya. Here, Kochi brand wild yeast must be floating in the air so I’ve got to capture them ;) Wish me luck.
Thanks, glutton rabbit :)
Oh he looks so cute!
Are there more photos? I love sourdough but have yet to attempt it myself at home.
I started WDB (Weekday Dough Blogging) so enjoy some photos of my dear Charlie to come ;)
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